Experiencing our Lord's provision for this Christ-centered station is the pinnacle of this blessing. The atmosphere here in Phone Central is such an amazing thing, each call is cause for excitement, and it thrills my heart to have even young children pledging to the work of this ministry. I count it an honor to take some of the calls. It is a joy talking to people who had prayerfully considered what He would have them to give as they pledge the amount He had laid on their hearts.
The bond we have as believers in Christ is so sweet, so precious. Three years ago, when I was a new face to those who have worked at the station or volunteered for many years, it was like walking into a group of long-time friends, and the bonds deepened as the week progressed. Now, when I come in, it's like reuniting with friends you haven't seen in awhile. The fellowship throughout the day is overflowing with uplifting conversations and a magnificent testimony of the God we serve.
What a blessing to have such an opportunity to get to know other believers and help His work continue!
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