Friday, August 26, 2011

A Note from the General Manager of WCTS

If you're like me, then you enjoy hearing from the personnel of WCTS.   Well, actually, I suppose that's something you could enjoy even if you're not like me, but then again we'd be alike in this matter.  So anyway, when I heard that there was a note about Sharathon 2011 from Steve Davis on the unofficial WCTS facebook page, I thought it deserved as big of an audience as possible and decided to post it here as well.

Dear Friend of WCTS,

Sharathon is right around the corner (September 19-23) and will be here before we know it. I'm eager to see what God will do this year in Sharathon as we trust Him for our goal of $140,000. WCTS has felt the economic squeeze, just like everyone else. Our object is to minister God's Word to people. The future is as bright as the promises of God. Since we are listener supported, it is vital that our listeners be involved in Sharathon. There are several ways you can be involved in this important annual event.

First, we humbly ask for your prayers. "Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." Jesus said, "Without Me ye can do nothing." We recognize that this is God's radio station and He must build it.

Second, you can volunteer to take phone pledges during Sharathon. Time slots are open throughout the week. To volunteer send us an email or call (763) 417-8270 and let us know when you are available.

Finally, pray about what God would have you give. If each of us does our part, WCTS will be fiscally healthy and strong. Each of us must resolve in our own hearts what God would have us give.

Sharathon is coming, and we are trusting God to provide.
Thanks for being a friend of WCTS.

Steve Davis

Of course, you're still welcome to drop me a note about volunteering as well.  Hope to see you there!

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