Thursday, September 22, 2011

You'd Like to Make a Pledge?

I'm not on the phones too much this year because we've been abundantly blessed with volunteers. I enjoy taking calls so much that there have actually been a few times where I've found myself wishing I was taking a call instead of listening to one side of the conversation. I suppose I could just say I'd like to take a call, but things are just going so smoothly and everyone else is having such a wonderful time, that I don't. The nice thing is that I've had to make a dash to another phone when that "extra" call comes in, so I thank you for calling! But perhaps you're wondering just what one of these conversations might be like. Well, let me tell you...
Good morning! WCTS Sharathon -- how may I help you?

You'd like to make a pledge? That's wonderful! Okay, may I get your name ... and what's your address? Alright! I'll also need your phone number.

We'd like to know if this is your first time giving. No? Then let me thank you so much for continuing to support this ministry! (Or - It is? How marvelous! Thank you so much!)

And how much would you like your gift to be? Okay, and how would you like to give - would you like it to be split quarterly or bi-annually or just a one-time gift all at once? And will this be by check or credit card. Credit card, alright... Yes, we take Visa, Discover, or Master Card. May I get the number? And we'll also need the security code. Right, those last 3 digits on the back side of the card. Thank you!

Lastly, did you have any comments you'd like to make? Oh, that's sweet. Yes, thank you, I'm writing that down ... I feel the same way.

Thank you so much for calling! It's been so nice talking to you. Have a blessed day!
As you can imagine, conversations are never quite the same, so the above varies of course. And sometimes we'll have to ask for spellings or we'll repeat something back just to double check. It also depends on the person taking the call, because we each like to do things differently. We each have a slip in front of us to fill out, so the "script" is basically the same. And it's a lot of fun!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Interview with Joyce Fosland

Steve Davis interviewed one of our volunteers while he was visiting Phone Central. Joyce Fosland, is not only a long time volunteer, she is also a long time listener. In fact, she is an original listener, which means she has been listening to WCTS since 1965! Here's one memory from 1965 that she holds quite dear.

An Interview with Natilee

Well, Steve Davis came into Phone Central this afternoon and pulled out his iPod touch. I guess he thought it would be a good idea to interview me this afternoon. Having hosted Christianity in a Changing Culture for 10 years or so, he's a pro; I'm just an amateur who unexpectedly finds herself on camera. But I did enjoy it, and I hope you do, too!

Oh, and perhaps you are noticing the green and yellow colors of the jersey I'm wearing. Yes, it is indeed a Packer jersey this fine Wednesday afternoon. I'm helping John celebrate the $7,500 dollars that came in yesterday evening in less than 2 1/2 hours. Upon close inspection, you might notice he did me a favor - he brought in an authentic Bart Starr jersey for me to wear! That was quite the surprise, and it seems like quite a privilege, too. One could hardly protest such a thing. And by the way, the white shirt underneath of which you can only see the collar? It's a Vikings jersey!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A True Ministry

WCTS is truly here to be a ministry to the local community. Robert, a homebound listener called in, and we were privileged to pray for him. He is grateful for the broadcasts of Fourth Baptist's Sunday service. So let's continue to uphold this listener in our prayers, and also consider this an encouragement that what we give to keep the station on the air is truly appreciated by others who listen in.

An Original Listener to Take Your Call

There is an original listener volunteering here in Phone Central, and I'm so pleased to have her here!  I'm not so sure Nancy is all that pleased with me though, after Matthew's embarrassing her on the air.  Of course, embarrassing just means that he mentioned she was an original listener, which she doesn't feel is equitable.  You see, her perspective is that she was just a little girl and was listening because her mom had it on.  She also thinks it makes her sound old even though it was mentioned that she was just a tot when the station came on the air.  Does she look old to you?  No, I didn't think you'd think so, either.

So maybe you're wondering how it came to be that her displeasure is directed towards me.  Well, it was I who had mentioned it to Matthew, and I knew that because I'm her niece, which means I can quite definitely say that not only does she not look old but that she is just not old at all!   I'm also the one who has been pleading for her to come in, and then I went and did something like this.  And now I'm posting a pic to boot!  My only excuse is that I thought you all might think it's as cool as I do.  I'm thrilled to have my Aunt Nancy here, and I think it's neat that she's an original listener, and I think it's sweet that she came in even though WCTS doesn't come in to well in her area.

As you can see, my aunt is truly enjoying her time on the phone.   And there really isn't any displeasure directed at me, she loves me and knows I'm prone to do things like this.  So I hope you enjoyed Matthew's comments because I know I sure did!  In reality, I think my aunt did, too.  It might have been "embarrassing" but she was laughing the whole time.

Sharathon Tuesday Is Here!

"It's Tuesday Morning!" to quote Steve Davis, and it's the second day of Sharathon 2011. There's a new daily goal for today of $15,000. How thrilled we were to exceed yesterday's goal. Join us as we pray that we do the same today.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Matthew's Thoughts on Giving

Here is Matthew Pilch in action!

Sharathon's Here!

It's September 19, and that means that the annual WCTS sharathon is kicking off this morning! I don't know about you, but for me it's very exciting to have the opportunity to give back to the station is gives me so much throughout the year. And so I enjoy the break in programming to listen to the sharathon drive, our devoted radio hosts, and guest speakers.

One thing that is quite exciting to me this year is that, with all the technology available at our fingertips, I can share some of the sharathon happenings with you directly. So I'll be posting an occasional picture or video from time to time. Also, be sure to check the sidebar for WCTS twitter updates - or, one step better, follow them directly on twitter!