Thursday, September 22, 2011

You'd Like to Make a Pledge?

I'm not on the phones too much this year because we've been abundantly blessed with volunteers. I enjoy taking calls so much that there have actually been a few times where I've found myself wishing I was taking a call instead of listening to one side of the conversation. I suppose I could just say I'd like to take a call, but things are just going so smoothly and everyone else is having such a wonderful time, that I don't. The nice thing is that I've had to make a dash to another phone when that "extra" call comes in, so I thank you for calling! But perhaps you're wondering just what one of these conversations might be like. Well, let me tell you...
Good morning! WCTS Sharathon -- how may I help you?

You'd like to make a pledge? That's wonderful! Okay, may I get your name ... and what's your address? Alright! I'll also need your phone number.

We'd like to know if this is your first time giving. No? Then let me thank you so much for continuing to support this ministry! (Or - It is? How marvelous! Thank you so much!)

And how much would you like your gift to be? Okay, and how would you like to give - would you like it to be split quarterly or bi-annually or just a one-time gift all at once? And will this be by check or credit card. Credit card, alright... Yes, we take Visa, Discover, or Master Card. May I get the number? And we'll also need the security code. Right, those last 3 digits on the back side of the card. Thank you!

Lastly, did you have any comments you'd like to make? Oh, that's sweet. Yes, thank you, I'm writing that down ... I feel the same way.

Thank you so much for calling! It's been so nice talking to you. Have a blessed day!
As you can imagine, conversations are never quite the same, so the above varies of course. And sometimes we'll have to ask for spellings or we'll repeat something back just to double check. It also depends on the person taking the call, because we each like to do things differently. We each have a slip in front of us to fill out, so the "script" is basically the same. And it's a lot of fun!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Interview with Joyce Fosland

Steve Davis interviewed one of our volunteers while he was visiting Phone Central. Joyce Fosland, is not only a long time volunteer, she is also a long time listener. In fact, she is an original listener, which means she has been listening to WCTS since 1965! Here's one memory from 1965 that she holds quite dear.

An Interview with Natilee

Well, Steve Davis came into Phone Central this afternoon and pulled out his iPod touch. I guess he thought it would be a good idea to interview me this afternoon. Having hosted Christianity in a Changing Culture for 10 years or so, he's a pro; I'm just an amateur who unexpectedly finds herself on camera. But I did enjoy it, and I hope you do, too!

Oh, and perhaps you are noticing the green and yellow colors of the jersey I'm wearing. Yes, it is indeed a Packer jersey this fine Wednesday afternoon. I'm helping John celebrate the $7,500 dollars that came in yesterday evening in less than 2 1/2 hours. Upon close inspection, you might notice he did me a favor - he brought in an authentic Bart Starr jersey for me to wear! That was quite the surprise, and it seems like quite a privilege, too. One could hardly protest such a thing. And by the way, the white shirt underneath of which you can only see the collar? It's a Vikings jersey!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A True Ministry

WCTS is truly here to be a ministry to the local community. Robert, a homebound listener called in, and we were privileged to pray for him. He is grateful for the broadcasts of Fourth Baptist's Sunday service. So let's continue to uphold this listener in our prayers, and also consider this an encouragement that what we give to keep the station on the air is truly appreciated by others who listen in.

An Original Listener to Take Your Call

There is an original listener volunteering here in Phone Central, and I'm so pleased to have her here!  I'm not so sure Nancy is all that pleased with me though, after Matthew's embarrassing her on the air.  Of course, embarrassing just means that he mentioned she was an original listener, which she doesn't feel is equitable.  You see, her perspective is that she was just a little girl and was listening because her mom had it on.  She also thinks it makes her sound old even though it was mentioned that she was just a tot when the station came on the air.  Does she look old to you?  No, I didn't think you'd think so, either.

So maybe you're wondering how it came to be that her displeasure is directed towards me.  Well, it was I who had mentioned it to Matthew, and I knew that because I'm her niece, which means I can quite definitely say that not only does she not look old but that she is just not old at all!   I'm also the one who has been pleading for her to come in, and then I went and did something like this.  And now I'm posting a pic to boot!  My only excuse is that I thought you all might think it's as cool as I do.  I'm thrilled to have my Aunt Nancy here, and I think it's neat that she's an original listener, and I think it's sweet that she came in even though WCTS doesn't come in to well in her area.

As you can see, my aunt is truly enjoying her time on the phone.   And there really isn't any displeasure directed at me, she loves me and knows I'm prone to do things like this.  So I hope you enjoyed Matthew's comments because I know I sure did!  In reality, I think my aunt did, too.  It might have been "embarrassing" but she was laughing the whole time.

Sharathon Tuesday Is Here!

"It's Tuesday Morning!" to quote Steve Davis, and it's the second day of Sharathon 2011. There's a new daily goal for today of $15,000. How thrilled we were to exceed yesterday's goal. Join us as we pray that we do the same today.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Matthew's Thoughts on Giving

Here is Matthew Pilch in action!

Sharathon's Here!

It's September 19, and that means that the annual WCTS sharathon is kicking off this morning! I don't know about you, but for me it's very exciting to have the opportunity to give back to the station is gives me so much throughout the year. And so I enjoy the break in programming to listen to the sharathon drive, our devoted radio hosts, and guest speakers.

One thing that is quite exciting to me this year is that, with all the technology available at our fingertips, I can share some of the sharathon happenings with you directly. So I'll be posting an occasional picture or video from time to time. Also, be sure to check the sidebar for WCTS twitter updates - or, one step better, follow them directly on twitter!

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Note from the General Manager of WCTS

If you're like me, then you enjoy hearing from the personnel of WCTS.   Well, actually, I suppose that's something you could enjoy even if you're not like me, but then again we'd be alike in this matter.  So anyway, when I heard that there was a note about Sharathon 2011 from Steve Davis on the unofficial WCTS facebook page, I thought it deserved as big of an audience as possible and decided to post it here as well.

Dear Friend of WCTS,

Sharathon is right around the corner (September 19-23) and will be here before we know it. I'm eager to see what God will do this year in Sharathon as we trust Him for our goal of $140,000. WCTS has felt the economic squeeze, just like everyone else. Our object is to minister God's Word to people. The future is as bright as the promises of God. Since we are listener supported, it is vital that our listeners be involved in Sharathon. There are several ways you can be involved in this important annual event.

First, we humbly ask for your prayers. "Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." Jesus said, "Without Me ye can do nothing." We recognize that this is God's radio station and He must build it.

Second, you can volunteer to take phone pledges during Sharathon. Time slots are open throughout the week. To volunteer send us an email or call (763) 417-8270 and let us know when you are available.

Finally, pray about what God would have you give. If each of us does our part, WCTS will be fiscally healthy and strong. Each of us must resolve in our own hearts what God would have us give.

Sharathon is coming, and we are trusting God to provide.
Thanks for being a friend of WCTS.

Steve Davis

Of course, you're still welcome to drop me a note about volunteering as well.  Hope to see you there!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A New Voice on the Air

There is some exciting news in the air - and on the air, too!  As I'm sure you know, WCTS has been looking for a new afternoon host to fill the vacancy John left behind.  Well, the wonderful news is that have ceased their search!  Yes, the need for an announcer has been filled!  He is someone entirely new to us, unlike the station's new general manger who is someone we have come to know over the years he's been with the station in another capacity.  I guess I should say entirely new to most of us.  Being that he is Jeremiah's brother-in-law, I would say the two of them are likely to be at least somewhat acquainted with each other, as well as having other friends and loved ones.

Okay, so now that all of that is straightened out, let's welcome Matthew Pilch to WCTS!  I must say that I've been rather impressed with his sports reporting.  I wonder if he's a Vikings fan or if they decided to retain a Packer fan to fill that vacancy, too?  I guess we'll just have to find out, won't we?  Anyway, I'm thinking he's likely to be a great addition to the station, so I'm sending out my own personal & hearty welcome his way!

Oh, and Matthew?  Keep up the good work!

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Call for Sharathon 2011 Volunteers

Perhaps right now you are as I was several years ago.  I had a deep interest in in the WCTS sharathon and things pertaining to it, but was unaware of the things I could do to help.  I mean, yes, I knew the station was (and still is) listener supported, and I could help monetarily with any size gift, but I didn't know about the things I could do during the sharathon that would help in a physical way as well.  I guess I just figured they probably had all the help they would need with the station's staff and with those whom they are directly affiliated (Central Seminary and Fourth Baptist Church).  But then they opened a comment line for listener's who would like to call in a comment, either an oral note to the staff so they could know how much the station is appreciated or something that could also be played on the air during the sharathon.  Well, I thought that was great, and so I called the mentioned number with my comment.  While I was listening to the recording's instructions, I noted that they were also open to people leaving their name and number if they were interested in volunteering some of their time to help with the sharathon.  That was very exciting to me because I had visited the station during a sharathon as a homeschool field trip several years prior, and it had been fascinating.  You could rightly guess that I did leave my name and number for sure!  And I have been helping out with each sharathon ever since!

This year, I want to let it be known that WCTS can use any time you can give them during the sharathon.  They have sign up sheets for that Monday-Friday, September 19-23, 2011, for the phone lines, which they need people for 4 phone stations from 7 am to 7 pm.  The time slots are for 2 hour periods (7-9 AM, 9-11 AM, et cetera), but you wouldn't be limited to only 2 hours, of course!

If you would like to help with Sharathon 2011, you can drop me a note through my profile because I'll be helping coordinate the volunteers this year.  I'll be looking forward to seeing you then!

Monday, June 20, 2011


It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to share with you some very good news at the WCTS homefront!  There's someone I'd like to introduce to you as the new general manager of the station.  Yet, in all reality, he's someone we are already blessed to know, and thus needs no introduction at all.  You could say he's new person to the job, but not new to us or a management position.  So who is he, this person who will be stepping into the general manager position?  Steve Davis, whom we know as the morning host and for his program Christianity in a Changing Culture book reviews as well as from his now soon-to-be former position as Operations Manager, has applied and been hired for the position.  As I spoke with Steve, we spoke of how the Lord had laid it on his heart to apply, of knowing how the Lord gives strength and grace for whatever He calls one to do, and of looking forward to seeing God's will for the station continue to unfold.

For the station, I'm sure it's a three-fold blessing.  One, because Steve is already aware of how the station runs and the voice it wants to broadcast.  Two, because any orientation for the job can be done while Kimball is still on the job so Steve seamlessly take over any projects that were Kimball's responsibility.  And three, because the station will not be without someone in the role of general manager for even one day during this transition.

I know it is Steve's desire that the station continue to run in a manner that will bring honor and glory to our Saviour, and I'm sure that is something we all desire as well.  So, let's remember Steve in our prayers as he leans on the Lord and seeks His guidance for these new responsibilities.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Changes, But Not Changing

A few days ago, I talked about the changes that are happening at the station.  Today, I just wanted to take a moment to add a "post script" because, when there are changes of this magnitude, it might be easy to wonder what will happen to the station.  How will the station be affected, will it change dramatically, might we even lose what we so love about it?  Oh, there's so many questions one could ask!  It is with all these questions in mind that I wanted to reassure you as I have been reassured in my conversations with those in administration positions: The things we love about WCTS will remain the same.  Sure, there are bound to be some changes, but the things that matter will not change.

Changes, yes, but not changing.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Change. That single word capable of eliciting a variety of emotions - something unwelcome or that we're not fond of, something that is desired or needed at times, or something surprising or overwhelming. However, no matter what mental image that word conjures up for you, there are a few things we can't change, and one of them is that things change. As you may be aware, there will be some changes in the near future for Central Seminary and WCTS.

First, to address a change for the seminary. For those who may be unaware, WCTS is a ministry of Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis, Minnesota, so a change in leadership there also affects the station. Therefore, I'd like to welcome the soon-to-be new president of Central Seminary, Dr. Samuel Horn. You might already acquainted with Dr. Horn if you tune in to the Sunday afternoon programming and have had the pleasure of hearing him on Word for Life. Personally, I have been blessed many times when I have tuned in to that program, so if you haven't had such a pleasure, I'd recommend you do so. It also means that I am absolutely delighted that the Lord has directed him here to fill the roll from which Dr. Bauder is stepping down. If you'd like to know more about Central's new president, you can find it on the seminary's website here.

And in regard to some changes that will be happening in the near future for WCTS, I'd like to address a few things that you may have already heard on the air. Two dear friends are leaving the station this summer. John Goetz has been the afternoon host for 20+ years, and Kimball Cummings has been the general manager for 4 years. They have both been so instrumental in the years they've been here - contributing their time, talents, and efforts in the individual ways God has blessed them. And yet, the Lord is now calling both of them on to new things, some of which He may not have fully revealed to them even yet. I feel so blessed to know them, that the Lord has allowed our paths to cross. There is no real way to say all of what their friendships have come to mean to me as I have had the opportunity to work with them, but I would like to dedicate a few words to them... just a few things that make me smile.

John, the Packer fan with whom I, being the dedicated Vikings fan that I am, so enjoy the banter - trading stats, scores, rankings, and the like. As I came down to the station from sharathon to sharathon and a few times in between, the friendship offered went beyond the shallow depths of sports to genuine talks about our families and life's journeys. He's also a man who has a song for everything. Saying a phrase like "It's Friday" would trigger It's Friday, But Sunday's Comin', and since I have such tendencies myself, it was often to my amusement when we would think of the same song.

Kimball, a man who loved to hear from any and all listeners for their feedback. Yet it became much more as he became more acquainted with those who called in on a regular basis - he would take an interest in their lives, not just for the sake of the station but also the people themselves. He was always willing to take the time to listen to what was on your mind, especially when he had a few spare minutes, and he was ready to help in any way he could. He's helped reshape how the station comes across on the air, and I think WCTS is better for it.

It will feel different without them being there, that's for sure. But for the believer, a thing like this is never truly goodbye. So while we will miss them and their unique presences on the air, we can pray for them and know the Lord has a plan for everything. Thus, we can also look forward to the things that are before us, and even the changes it will bring.

So, John and Kimball, take care and enjoy the things the Lord has in store for you! Oh, and do know, that as I think of you, I'll also remember to pray for you.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Will and the Red Ball

Christianity in a Changing Culture is one of my favorite programs, but I am especially looking forward to today's broadcast. Why? Because both the author and the illustrator are very dear to me. For many months I had hoped that an interview could be scheduled, then when I finally heard that one was indeed scheduled, I had to wait to hear it. Ohhhhh... *sigh.* I needn't wait much longer, however, for the day is well and truly here, and the countdown has begun! The minutes are ticking by (second by second, of course), and the suspense I have been enduring has built up to its climax so that my nerves are tingling with excitement! While I anxiously wait for these last few minutes to pass, let me use this meantime to tell you a little bit about them, more of which can be found on their website

Gloria is a very fun lady who loves her Lord and her family. She also loves kids and reading and writing. For quite awhile, she has been using Shutterfly to publish photo books for her family about her cats' fictional adventures. I've seen a few of them, and they're very amusing! Her Christmas letters to family, friends, & loved ones are much anticipated by all. Her blog, Ants in Pith Helmets, is full of quippy little accounts about the things that cross her path throughout each day. I am so glad she is now using her God-given talent for writing children's books in addition to these other writings. And guess what? Even adults love them!

Karne, Gloria's daughter and mother of Will, is very sweet and thoughtful. Her love for her Lord is sure and strong as she seeks to grow closer to Him. She and her husband have two children, toddler Will and baby Lilias, whom they love so very much. For as long as I can remember, she has been using her artistic talent to create watercolors of God's beautiful creation, as well as using it as a means to encourage others in their life's journey.

Let's not forget little Will, the main character of each book! From what I hear, he is a bundle of energy, who is growing up quickly. In my opinion, he's much too cute for his own good, and I'm hoping he and his family will come up here again sometime soon. Already he has these books tucked away in his memory and follows along quite well. (There's a video of Gloria reading to him on their website.)

Here's how Steve sums up the books on his blog:
Christianity in a Changing Culture: "Will and the Red Ball"

Book 1
Gloria Dunshee & Karne McGary
"Will and the Red Ball"
Will Go Press, 2010, 978-0-9828231-0-1, $11.95

"Will and the Magic Snowman"
Will Go Press, 2010, 978-0-9828231-1-8, $11.95

These are stories about Will's adventures in different places: New York City and St. Paul, Minnesota.

Gloria shares how and why she started writing children's books, and what she hopes these books for 3-8 year-olds will do to help children love reading, and to enhance closeness between children and parents.

[link to podcast]

Oh, and by the way, Steve has 4 sets of books 1-2 to give away today!

Let me also encourage you to tune in to Christianity in a Changing Culture often because you'll hear many more interesting interviews like this one, sometimes also with book giveaways such as today. Both new and experienced authors enjoy talking to Steve about their books, and many listeners such as myself enjoy hearing the author's perspective and what they hope the reader will take away from their writings.